December 11, 2008

December 11, 2008

December 11, 2008

December 11, 2008

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! We have decided to stay in touch with the tech world and maintain our own blog. I am going to try to update regularly but since it seems I often have more things to do in my 24 hour day than physically possible, we'll see what happens. I could actually do more but I do value my sleep! We have had a relaxing week at home with no schedules which has been fun. However, I know our family and we do better with schedules. Even the kids agree. You can only have so much "down time" then it is time to jump right back in! Jordan will be with us for a few more weeks, Brady will continue with basketball and hanging out with his friends on their bikes. Madi will start the new year with a violin recital on her birthday (Jan 4) and begin 6th grade basketball on the 5th. She is going to take a break from club volleyball for the next session until basketball finishes. Brooke continues with basketball and club volleyball. Madi and Brooke will also jump back into piano and the elementary String Orchestra. Also, Madi's Evansville Youth Philharmonic Orchestra will have a concert at the end of January. Brady and Madi will both be in Mutual on Tuesday nights since Madi is turning 12! Brady will be 14 and able to attend Youth dances in a few weeks, YIKES! He is also working towards his Eagle. Sam and I will continue to shuttle kids where they need to be. Life is busy and life is good...

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